Elaine Freeman
CBT for Children and Young People in Gloucestershire“When working with children and Young People it is important that the therapeutic relationship is one where the child or young person is comfortable with me and the therapy sessions.”
Children and Young People
I work with children and young people who experience emotional and behavioural difficulties such as or with:
Body Dysmorphic disorder
Eating Disorders
Family issues
Fears such as vomiting
Friendship issues
Health anxiety
Low self-esteem
Relationship issues
Separation anxiety
School issues
Sleep issues
Thoughts of Self-harm and suicide
Approach and Therapies
Following our initial consultation, together we will decide what we are going to work on and formulate a treatment plan. We will work using one or more of the approaches below:
CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) is an evidence based approach and is recommended by NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) to treat Anxiety Disorders which encompass OCD, Phobias, Separation Anxiety, GAD, Panic, PTSD, Health Anxiety and Social Anxiety and Depression.
Counselling can be helpful in exploring you, and your life and what might be getting in the way of it being more enjoyable and pleasurable.
Psychotherapy is where we explore one’s early years and this allow us to be able to recognise patterns of behaviours and emotional reactions we have learned but which may no longer be useful to you today.
In my experience, I have found that it is often a blend of all three of these approaches and therapies that allows the therapeutic process to be most effective and ultimately enable change to occur.

Success When Working With Children and Young People
When working with children and Young People it is important that the therapeutic relationship is one where the child or young person is comfortable with me and the therapy sessions. I have had many years of experience working with young people and am skilled in achieving engagement, building trust and offering a safe and confidential place for you. This means the children and young people I work with frequently report that they “like coming to see me”.
Normally parents are involved in instigating therapy for their child and often, and where appropriate, can attend sessions once permission has been given by the child or young person.
Many parents have expressed how useful this has been to them as they have also learnt something, and can help their child or young person put new learnings into practice at home.
Sessions are 50 minutes.
Appointments are available Monday to Friday.
Where appropriate, I am available to work with you in the community to facilitate behavioural experiments.
CBT for Children
- 50 Minute Session
Fees from 1st January 2023
Please note rates will vary when paying via EAP or insurance companies due to the increased financial & administrative requirements; rates are agreed with each company and will vary. Please call us if you wish to discuss further.
I am happy to discuss specific requests i.e. family work, corporate work.
Prices will vary for seasonal hours i.e. evenings in the summer.
Contact Elaine Freeman